Yesterday I had originally planned to go to the third unit of the John Day Monument. The Clarno Unit is the only one where you can see fossils outside but there are only a few trails and they are very short. I could not convince myself to do an almost 4 hour round trip drive just for that.
So even though it was a nice day, we mostly just relaxed around the RV. We did go for a short walk through Dayville. There are two stores, a gas station and a cafe. The cafe was closed today. A really short walk.

The requisite knives and alcohol section.
In the parking lot was a old west facade.
I am not sure what was going on with this odd little raised square building.
We wondered if this older fire engine was still used. There were two newer ones in the garage.
The public school was behind the campground. The kids would get a workout just getting to the door.
Today we made the move to our farthest west destination of Bend, Oregon.
It was a relatively easy drive with only a few steep climbs and not much traffic, until we got to Prineville. Once we got near Bend the traffic got really heavy.
We are at the Scandia RV Park right in Bend. The smell from the nearby Wendy’s is making us hungry.
Since it is the July 4th weekend it is packed.
There are a lot of trees here. The big one beside us provides some afternoon shade.
At first I thought that we were out of luck for any satellite TV. There was nowhere I could see them to use the tripod mounted one on the ground. After moving up and down our site driveway a few times I managed to find a slot in the trees where the rooftop dish was high enough to see the right spot in the sky.
I am not really liking being back in a city. I think I should have tried to find a place farther out of town.
We stopped in Bend for 2 days on our 2011 trip down the Oregon Coast. There is a lot to do in the area. We are here for 2 weeks.
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